The 2015 Outstanding Student Ceremony was held on Wednesday, May 6 at the Historic Missouri Theater. Columbia Area Career Center sponsors the event in conjunction with its Partner in Education, MU Operations. It recognizes the top student from each career center program. The Outstanding Student designation is the highest honor the career center awards. Students are nominated by their instructors based on grades, course work, work habits and attendance. Nominated students submit an application, resume and essay in addition to being interviewed by personnel from the University of Missouri. The process is part of the career center model of college and career readiness. The Outstanding Student ceremony recognizes finalists in each category with the winner being announced while on stage. Each nominee received a gift of a portable charger and the Outstanding Student is awarded a framed certificate bearing their name and the program they represent by Gary Ward, Vice Chancellor for MU Operations and Chief Operating Officer.
Check out photos of the event on our Facebook page.
Several scholarship recipients were also named.
Big O Tires Scholarship
Jacob Crum
Arden Boyer-Stephens Scholarships
Madeline Harl
Evann Twitchell
Martha A. Rayl Scholarship
Hyeonseo "Jerry" Jo
Abigail Wallen
Hummert International Award
Zoe Parham
MU Partners-in-Education Scholarship
Bailey Lawson
Outstanding Student winners:
Civil Engineering: Mason Beachy
Advanced Civil Engineering: Bob Herting
Computer Aided Design: Dzung Nguyen
Advanced Computer Aided Design: Maddy Mueller
Digital Media: Sarah Stannard
Graphic Design & Desktop Publishing: Stephanie LeBlanc
Digital Fimmaking & Motion Graphics: Luke Currey
Broadcast Journalism: Luke Currey
Advanced Broadcast Journalism: Aarika Bock
Entrepreneurship: Sam Studer
Marketing: Dayna Linneman
Advanced Marketing: Madison McDonnell
Teaching Professions: Rachel Wesley
Advanced Teaching Professions: Maggie Robbins
Geospatial Analysis: Darwin Roberson
Geospatial Technology: Joshua Selkoe
Information Technology: Grant Powell
Computer Programming: Wenzer Qin
Advanced Computer Programming: Nicholas Putting
A+IT: Hazzy Miner
PLTW: Computer Science: Michael Heavener
PLTW: Electronics: Brady Hughes
Robotics: Mat Van Hove
Advanced Electronics & Robotics: Colton Franke
Laser Technology: InHan Kim
Photonics: Zach Taylor
PLTW: Introduction to Engineering Design: Rachel Sherman
PLTW: Principles of Engineering: Megan Potthast
PLTW: Principles of Biomedial Science: Devesh Kumar
PLTW: Advanced Biomedical Science: Hunter Johnson
Lab Explorations: Saja Neicibi
Advanced Laboratory Technologies: Emily Getzoff
Professions in Healthcare: Prarthana Patel
Automotive Technology: Jacob Crum
Floral & Plant Design: Julia Hill
Advanced Horticulture: Christian Tejada
Agriculture Welding Technologies: Aaron Mott
Small Engine Technology: Morgan Kruse
Animal & Veterinary Science: Emily Wawrzynaik
Advanced Animal Science: Rory James
Exploring Agricultural Science: Ashleigh McKinley
Wildlife, Conservation & Forestry: Kyra Florea
Certified Welding 1: Owen Van de Reit
Certified Welding 2: Madeline Perry
Construction Technology: Andrew Cunningham
Emergency Medial Technician: Elizabeth Deckert
Core Essentials of Fire Fighting/Public Safety: Rory James
Culinary Arts: Laura Cox
Advanced Culinary Arts. Baking & Pastry: Abigail Wallen